
The PediRoller is a massage tool designed by a podiatrist that you roll the foot back and forwards over. It can also be frozen, so if it is cold, then that can be used instead of ice for foot pain. The rhythmic rolling of the foot over the massage roller will help those with things like plantar fasciitis and those tired and aching feet some get at the end of a hard day. The ridges or ribs on the PediRoller really get into the soft tissues to give them a workout.

The feedback that we get from users, is yes they do help. Those who use them do find them helpful. You only need to use them for a few minutes, maybe twice a day and they will give some relief. They will help stretch the plantar fascia ligament and stimulate the circulation. This can only be helpful in making the foot better. If the pain is bad, then putting them in the freezer before use is a great way to get an added advantage from the product.

pedi roller

If you have any questions about this, please ask one of the podiatrists. Croydon Total Footcare does have this product for sale via reception or you can get it online.