
Obesity has become a significant risk factor for so many medical conditions that is becoming much more common. A few years ago it was estimated that 67% of the Australian population over the age of 18 were either overweight or in the obese category. This has major public health implications.

The risk for so many different medical conditions is increased by being overweight. Foot problems are no exception. It should be obvious that carrying more weight than necessary is going to increase the chance of getting a whole range of different foot problems as well as making existing foot problems more severe.

A recent study has shown that a simulated reduction in weight loss improved the symptoms in the foot for those with arthritis. There is a high correlation between plantar fasciitis and the body mass index reported in another study. This goes to show just how important keeping weight under control is for preventing foot problems (and a multitude of other health problems) and the importance of loosing weight to help recalcitrant foot problems (and a multitude of other health problems).